Escape From New York / Assault On Precinct 13 / Dark Star
The Gap Theatre - Wind Gap, PA
Harry, John, and Kate really hit it out of the park with their opening weekend. Their follow-up to the Indiana Jones double feature on Friday was a John Carpenter triple feature on Saturday.
The Gap Theatre - Wind Gap, PA
Harry, John, and Kate really hit it out of the park with their opening weekend. Their follow-up to the Indiana Jones double feature on Friday was a John Carpenter triple feature on Saturday.
I'm in the process of scouting out the place to find "my spot", and I think I might have found it. The seats going up the stairs on the right hand side of the screen have a lot of legroom; particularly the very top row. It has three seats with the end seat perched right at the top of the stairs. It's also sandwiched between two walls while still providing a completely unobstructed view of the screen, so it's almost got the feel of a private box. I'm not sure if I'll want to sit up here for every movie, but it definitely has its charm, especially when you're settling in for a triple feature.
The first movie of the night was one of my favorite John Carpenter flicks that has my all-time favorite opening credits score, the 1981 dystopian sci-fil classic Escape From New York. This played at a Tunnel Vision Tuesday at around the same time that we started going to the Mahoning Drive-In Theater, but I didn't go out that night and I've regretted it ever since.
The second movie of the night was the 1976 film Assault On Precinct 13. I've seen this movie once or twice before, but it's been a long time so I didn't remember too much about it. Very cool to have had the opportunity to see it on the big screen on 35mm.
The final movie was John Carpenter's 1974 directorial debut, Dark Star. It's an extremely low budget sci-fi flick featuring an alien that's pretty much just a beach ball with flippers, but it was pretty good for what it was.
I realize that these aren't exactly the most detailed or thought-provoking comments, but I've been feeling burned out. I'm not sure what to write or even what to say when I'm talking with people these days. I'm not depressed or anything; at least I don't think that I am. I just feel kind of mentally drained over the past couple of months. I'm sure it'll pass.