Mar 12, 2025

The Perks Of Living Near The Amish

Steve's Chicken Stand
Hometown Farmers Market Tamaqua, PA
Jeez, this guy isn't going to write about that Amish chicken stand again, is he?  Yes he is.  This was $11, which is about as good of a deal for a chicken dinner with a baked potato and a side of homemade stuffing and buffalo chicken mac & cheese as you're going to find in 2025.

Here's another tip if you live in the area.  It isn't very busy at the Hometown Farmers Market on rainy days, and if you stop by after 5:00, the Amish bread and pastry stand will usually have a buy one, get one free deal.  I wouldn't recommend this breakfast bread if you have celiac disease, but for everybody else, it's freaking delightful.  Makes a good bun for a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich too.