Feb 8, 2025

Pork Soup Gushers

Dim Sum Court
Bridge Street - Phoenixville, PA
There's an excellent Chinese restaurant across the street from The Colonial Theater that came highly recommended by Tom, Jen, and Jackson, and they weren't wrong.

The menu has a lot of different things that looked good, but I was most interested in trying their soup dumplings which Tom had spoken highly of over the past few days.

I've never had a soup dumpling before yesterday afternoon, and they've quickly become one of my favorite things that I've ever eaten at a Chinese restaurant.  Jen accurately described them as being similar to Gushers, but filled with piping hot soup.  They're served family style in a metal cylinder.  The idea is that you take one with a soup spoon, puncture it, drink the soup, and then eat the dumpling.  I did that for the first one, but the way that I liked them best was to puncture the top so that they could cool off a little bit, and then pop the whole dumpling in my mouth.