Oct 15, 2024

It'll Change Your Life

The Substance
Working Title Films (2024)
This movie has been highly recommended to me by several people on the lot over the past few weeks.  My local Regal isn't showing it, but thankfully the RC Theater in Wilkes-Barre is, and it was definitely worth the drive.

The Substance is not a movie that I'd recommend to everyone, but there's a certain subset of people who are going to absolutely love it and I am a part of that subset.  The first half of the film presents a fascinating concept that had me pleading out loud with Demi Moore's character to make better choices (it's alright... I was the only person in the theater).  It then evolves into a body horror that makes David Cronenberg seem almost tame in comparison.

I'm not a fan of the term "elevated horror", but this is a film that goes beyond shock and entertainment.  It has a message and it's a message that's worth hearing if you have the stomach for it.