Oct 9, 2024

On Wednesdays We Eat Pink

Barbie Strawberry Marshmallow and Frosted Cupcake ice cream
Turkey Hill (2024)
Get your mind out of the gutter, you filthy animals.  I'm talking about ice cream here!

Barbie Strawberry Marshmallow is one of the best ice cream flavors that I've ever had.  It's smooth and creamy, and the mix of the strawberry ice cream and the marshmallow swirl tasted like Mexican Strawberry Nesquik.  By the way, yes, there is a huge difference between Nesquik from Mexico compared to the United States.  You can find it at some Wal-Mart stores that have a decent stock of Latino foods.  Get it when you see it, and you can thank me later.

As good as the Strawberry Marshmallow flavor was, the Frosted Cupcake ice cream was even better.  It was like someone turned the icing from the best birthday cake I've ever had in my life into an ice cream.  I'm not joking at all when I say that if I had to choose one flavor of ice cream to be the only one that I'd ever be able to eat for the rest of my life, it would be this one.  It's that good!

I'm not fully lactose intolerant.  I can eat a decent amount of cheese without ever feeling any negative effects, but milk and ice cream really do a number on me.  It's probably my body going into self-preservation mode, because if I didn't suffer any discomfort from eating ice cream, I'd fill a freezer with these and eat myself into a career as a sumo wrestler.