Aug 20, 2024

The Greatest Sugar Free Soda Of All Time

Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut
Keurig Dr Pepper (2024)
I don't usually write about a limited edition food or beverage twice, but this one bears repeating because Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut Zero Sugar may be my favorite soda of all time.  I've been drinking them pretty slowly over the past few weeks because we haven't been able to find any in our local stores since late June, but we were lucky enough to find a big stock of them at our local Wal-Mart yesterday.  I bought four cases, and in retrospect, I regret not buying the rest of what they had on the shelf.

Seriously, if you love coconut and you're trying to avoid sugar, this is the stuff right here.  It was supposed to only be available as a limited edition product this summer, so if you want to try it, pick it up when you see it.