Apr 10, 2020

It's Going To Be A Good Friday

Game Boy Color
Nintendo (1998)
For a brief time in the late 90's, I worked at a video game store in the Laurel Mall called "The Game Store".  Catchy name, huh?  Honestly, it was a pretty lousy place.  We had lots of floor space, but we didn't have very many games or customers in the store, but I was glad to have the first crack at buying any good used games that came in.  One of the things I bought while I was working there was this new Game Boy Color.

Gotta love the dot matrix printer paper we used for receipts.

I randomly came across it in the basement earlier this week while I was looking for a chair.  The receipt was in the box along with the instruction manual and all of the inserts.  It was even in the original plastic bags that it was packed with.  The thing looks brand new.  I bought it with the intention of getting a few Game Boy Color games, but I never did, so I just kept playing my original Game Boy that I got for my 10th birthday.  This one just ended up sitting on the shelf as a backup in case my original system broke, but it never did.  I'm sure the original Game Boy is around here somewhere too.  I can't say for sure if that one still works, but I tested this one out with Super Mario Land and it plays perfectly.

There was also an original AC adapter in the bag, so I'll be able to play the old classics all through Easter weekend without going through a pile of double-a batteries.  I think I'm going to try to play through Final Fantasy Legend, but knowing me, I'll spend the whole time playing Tetris.