May 9, 2017

No Credit, No Drinking, No Escaping The Wall Fish

Plains Antiques & Home Furnishings
Plains, PA
We visited this antique shop in Plains for the first time ten days ago.  It's a deceptively large shop where I found an awesome autographed Richie Ashburn baseball.  I was very happy to find the ball, and it was very reasonably priced, but it pretty much took up all of the spending money I had budgeted for the day, but I still had a great time looking and taking photos of the random oddities they have for sale. 

I wouldn't call the place cluttered, but they did take advantage of every square inch of the place, including these shelves behind the front window of the store.

Long have I looked for a store where I can purchase a Phillies jersey, a giant shark head, a framed Life magazine featuring a woman wearing a wolverine coat and Christmas decorations from the 50's.

I'm thinking that yellow thing in the top left hand corner is a sign to buy a bus ticket to Salt Lake City.  It's right above a god awful piece of artwork made out of bottle caps.  There are also a hell of a lot of fish hanging on the wall around here.  And why am I craving a cold, delicious Snapple right now?

I guess that means I'm turning right.

If I ever start my own bar with no parking that sells Pennzoil on the side, I know where I'm coming to buy signs.

This may be the best cash register I've ever seen in my life.  It's a window built into an room that looks like a little building within a building.  There are two ways for the employees to get to the office: the beaded curtain, or the door that is covered in newspaper clippings.  The icing on the cake is the massive Stegmaier Christmas sign hanging on the faux shingles.  If the zombie apocalypse ever comes, I might live here.

Judging by the size of the signs, I'd be better off cracking open a cold one than asking to apply for a Plains Antiques & Home Furnishings credit card.  I wasn't planning on doing either, but I can't lie, they kind of put the idea in my head.