Feb 1, 2014

Monsters Are Real

Bray Wyatt
Artwork by DaceDestiny
I’ve been a fan of professional wrestling since I was four years old.  I still remember sitting on my father’s lap and watching Brutus Beefcake wrestle Hulk Hogan.  From 2005 through 2007, I attended a ridiculous number of WWE, Ring of Honor, Chikara events as well as other indy promotions whose names I’ve forgotten.  In recent years, I’ve spent much less time watching wrestling.  This wasn’t really due to a lack of interest, but a lack of time and money.  I dedicated a lot of time to my studies, earning a degree in psychology, I’ve moved forward in my career, I’ve gotten married, bought a house and a puppy, and the money that I do have budgeted for entertainment has gone toward vacations with my wife and Phillies games.

One event I make it a point to never miss is the WWE Royal Rumble.  It’s almost always an incredible show.  This year’s event was pretty good (despite fans displeasure with the battle royal itself), but it peaked at the opening match.  Anyone whose been to a show with me will tell you that I’ve been a fan of “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson for many years, and I am extremely happy that he’s gotten as over as he has in the WWE as Daniel Bryan.  It truly couldn’t happen to a nicer or more talented guy.  However, Bryan wasn’t the inspiration behind this long and wordy post.

Bryan’s opponent was Bray Wyatt.  I’ve only heard about this guy from other people, and the impression that I took away was that WWE Creative was going for a gimmick where Duck Dynasty meets Deliverance.  While this is a fairly accurate description on the surface, it doesn’t do this man or his gimmick justice.

From start to finish, the Bray Wyatt character is pure brilliance.  From the intense music to the ominous lights-out entrance that surpasses even The Undertaker in its creepiness to his absolutely flawless verbiage and ring psychology, his work is tremendous.  His style reminds me a bit of Bam Bam Bigelow, and this is meant as a very high complement.  Bigelow was one of the most physically impressive big men in the business, and Bray absolutely is deserving of the same distinction.  I honestly can’t find enough good things to say about his work.

I did a little research on the guy and found that he is the son of Mike Rotunda, better known to many as I.R.S. (and answer to the trivia question of “Who is the only man to have wrestled in Wrestlemania 1 and 10”).  He’s also the grandson of Blackjack Mulligan and the nephew of Barry and Kendall Windham.

Ok, I’m done marking out, but if you’ve ever been a wrestling fan and you’ve gotten away from it over the years, check out the career thus far of Bray Wyatt.  You will not be disappointed.  Also, if you're bored when you're done with that, come check out my Tumblr.  It's mildly amusing!