Jul 31, 2007

He Gave His Life For Tourism

Tutankhamun & The Golden Age Of The Pharaohs
The Franklin Institute - Philadelphia, PA
My girlfriend is a history buff, and there's probably no place where she feels more at home than in a library or a museum, so we took a trip to Philly for her birthday to see the King Tut exhibit at The Franklin Institute.

The museum was pretty crowded, so I wasn't able to take too many photos, and most of the ones that I did manage to take came out a little blurry, but here they are along with captions for the things that I remember the names of.

Gilded Funerary Mask of Tijuya

(left) Statuette of Horus The Elder - (right) Statuette of Duamutef
(left) Ceremonial Shield
Ankh from the tomb of Tuthmosis IV 
Ankh-Shaped Mirror Case from the tomb of Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun's Game Board
(left) Wooden Carving of Resi - (right) Shabti of Ptahmose

There were a lot more items in this exhibition, but this will give you a good idea of the kind of artifacts that are on display if you're thinking of heading down to the museum.  They'll be in Philadelphia through the end of September.

For an extra five dollars, you can see a pretty awesome IMAX movie called Mummies: Secrets Of The Pharaohs.  It's narrated by Christopher Lee and runs for about 40 minutes.  I haven't seen too many IMAX movies in my life.  In fact, the last one I got to see was probably when my Dad took me to Epcot Center when I was 11 years old (they had a ride called Horizons that this movie reminded me of a bit).  The technology completely blew my mind then, and it still does today.

We didn't get too much from the gift shop.  Angie got a couple of books, but I stuck to a postcard and a pressed penny.  They had plenty of stuff though, especially for children, so there's lots to choose from if you want to bring a souvenir home from the exhibition.

There's also a machine where you can got a printout of your name written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.  The language doesn't really work that way where a symbol directly translates to an English letter, but it's still pretty fun and it makes a nice souvenir.  We got a combination of both of our names.